
carli using the STOT SPORTS BACK BRACE

Carli's Breathtaking Journey: STOT SPORTS Back ...

Do you struggle with back pain and wish for relief? Then you're in luck... Meet Carly, a person full of passion who, like many, was searching for a way to...

Carli's Breathtaking Journey: STOT SPORTS Back ...

Do you struggle with back pain and wish for relief? Then you're in luck... Meet Carly, a person full of passion who, like many, was searching for a way to...


Watch How Theresa Transforms Her Day with the S...

Working from home has its perks, but let’s be real - those long hours in the chair can literally be a pain in the back. If that all-too-familiar lower back...

Watch How Theresa Transforms Her Day with the S...

Working from home has its perks, but let’s be real - those long hours in the chair can literally be a pain in the back. If that all-too-familiar lower back...

senior woman doing yoga

11 Tailored Exercises for Women Above 60 for Op...

Having trouble finding the right activities for women over 60? I've been there. Starting an exercise routine can be daunting, especially when you realize your body might not be as...

11 Tailored Exercises for Women Above 60 for Op...

Having trouble finding the right activities for women over 60? I've been there. Starting an exercise routine can be daunting, especially when you realize your body might not be as...

Should You Wear a Back Brace When Lifting? 5 Myths Debunked

Should You Wear a Back Brace When Lifting? 5 My...

So, should you wear a back brace when lifting? Yes, but there's a twist... Dr. Aaron Horschig highlights the following: Athletes wearing a belt correctly can lift heavier weights with...

Should You Wear a Back Brace When Lifting? 5 My...

So, should you wear a back brace when lifting? Yes, but there's a twist... Dr. Aaron Horschig highlights the following: Athletes wearing a belt correctly can lift heavier weights with...

middle aged man showing back pain when standing

Back Pain When Standing: Causes, Solutions, and...

Do you have back pain when standing? According to the World Health Organization, low back pain affects more than 600 million people worldwide, so you're not the only one! (1)...

Back Pain When Standing: Causes, Solutions, and...

Do you have back pain when standing? According to the World Health Organization, low back pain affects more than 600 million people worldwide, so you're not the only one! (1)...

back of a man highlighting his lower back pain

How Long Does Back Pain Last? Causes and Relief...

Understanding the duration of back pain can be challenging. But you're in luck! Studies explain that "Exercise programs are effective for the improvement of pain," and, as a prior back...

How Long Does Back Pain Last? Causes and Relief...

Understanding the duration of back pain can be challenging. But you're in luck! Studies explain that "Exercise programs are effective for the improvement of pain," and, as a prior back...